You will have to ask each individual in this category why they believe in the supremacy of whites. Behind recent events, I believe they are thinking, ‘Why don’t I get any respect? Why is my future so dark? Why is everyone else getting attention? It’s not fair!’
When they are by themselves, they get little attention. But when they find others with similar frustrations on websites and SNS, they say to themselves, ‘Hey! I want to participate in this!” They can be easily drawn in.
Those groups who take violent action, like that in Charlottesville, are disliked. If they talked about their ideas in the workplace or in social activities, other people would avoid them, because such talk is socially taboo. But with the arrival of Trump, that is not as strong a taboo as it used to be. When Trump talks about “fine people” on “both sides,” they believe he is referring to them. So, it becomes acceptable to come out and say exactly what you think. What was once under the surface is now visible and it can be heard plainly.